To participate in the competition to win the book “Shotokan Kata up to black belt” you must post a comment at the bottom of what kata means for your karate training.
The competition closes on October 1 after which the winners will be announced on this page. The winners will also be notified directly.
2 books “Shotokan Kata – up to black belts”
sponsored by
Schlatt Books
Shotosha Denmark
“Shotokan Kata up to black belt”
Who has not been through this? You learn a kata, you practice it a few times, and then put it aside. And so it often happens that, in the middle of performing the kata, the karateka is not sure of the sequence and no longer knows how to continue the kata.
”If only I could find some place to look it up,” he thinks, ”I’d soon master the whole sequence.”
This book is meant to be that desired reference book.
Content: Taikyoku shodan, Heian shodan, Heian
nidan, Heian sandan, Heian yondan, Heian godan,
Tekki shodan, Bassai dai, Empi, Jion, Hangetsu,
Kankû dai.
To me it means constant, and concentrated work towards perfection … working with one detail after the next one ..
If kihon is the letters, then kata is the sentences and kumite the book.
My kata gives me strength, kime, a calm mind and som much more. Kata is a block, that my karate can’t survive without.
To me it means personal Contemplation and foundation in the basic training.
Vindere af konkurrencen blev SSE og Tim Skov. Tillykke med præmien, som bliver sendt til jer.
Jeg vil bare gerne sige 1000 tak for en flot, lækker og inspirerende bog. Den kunne næppe komme på et meget bedre tidspunkt eftersom jeg er i gang med den gang “brune” vej mod sho-dan
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