Several years ago, we started Saturday Parents Day. On this special day we invite important karate- and budokas, to give inspiration for the children and their families, room to discuss, get answers to questions about budo and karate. Previously we have invited sensei Roy Andersson, sensei Paul Kee and sensei Johan Backteman, who are all great karateka, lives budo everyday and have great competence and experience. This year I wanted to get in contact with a great karateka from Denmark, the country I lived, trained and competed in for 10 years together with my little daughter Emelie. Ever since I moved back to Sweden, I have been thinking about sensei Frank Starck-Sabroe from Denmark, 8 dan and chiefinstructor for Shotogakusha Europe.
Initially I spoke with my sensei John Nielsen, who is a great man and karateka, but John sensei no longer provide lessons in karate-do. So after talking to my sensei (John Nielsen), I directly thought whether it was possible to get in contact with sensei Frank. I have only met him a couple of times in the past with my dear friends Kenneth D Hansen, Jesper, Hussein, Hassan, Habi Hadrissi, Niels Corlin. Later on I was competing together with Jacob and more people from Karate Do Kyohans team against sensei Buras Honbu Dojo in the finals in team kumite in the Danish Championship. I think I was lucky, since I never had to compete against sensei Frank ;)
A couple of days past, before I got a message from sensei Frank… no problems, we’re coming! We seemed both to look forward to meet, train and stay in Halmstad. I was hopeful, but also a little bit scared maybe this organisation would stop it too… but NO! I was so glad to see that it was going to become a reality. Of course we focus on traditional karate, and now it was not only me and my students who loves karate, but now we could share our knowledge with other karatekas from other organisations – and styles!

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