Skærmbillede 2014-04-30 kl. 12.00.25


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Livestream fra finalerne.

For the 3rd edition in a row, Finals session of the European Senior Championships will be produced and broadcasted on (except for countries where we have a TV partner, and that will broadcast the event live on TV):

You can watch the finals session at the following times (local time of Tampere, Finland):
Saturday 3 May (12:00 – 13:30) for kumite male & female +68Kg, +84Kg, -68Kg, -84 Kg, -61Kg, -55Kg, -75Kg
Saturday 3 May (18:00 – 19:30) for kata female, kata male, kumite male & female -60Kg, -50Kg, -67Kg, Kumite team female
Sunday 4 May (12:00 – 13:30) for kata team male, kata team female, kumite team male