The 2011 US Open/ ISKA World Championships were held July 1st and 2nd at Disney’s Coronado Resort at Walt Disney World. The tournament drew competitors from 32 countries that competed in over 17 different types of divisions. Traditional kata and weapons divisions were rounded out by creative, extreme, and musical forms divisions. The US Open also hosted a myriad of breaking and fighting divisions. NAGA grappling, along with Sport MMA divisions, brought new martial artists to the event. The largest NASKA event, the US Open also played host to two training camps. Camp Chat focused on XMA (extreme martial arts) and kata while the USA All-Stars Team hosted a fighting camp.
The US Open finals were held on Saturday night and broadcast live on ESPN3. The show will be edited and aired on ESPN 2 on July 22. The finals can be seen streaming online at:
Brett Thomason
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