Text: Lars Andersen

Photos: Jens Bartl

Last weekend was the international traditional Kobudo seminar with Sensei Martin Frederiksen and the author both from Denmark in Am Plänterwald, Berlin. The course included an introduction and intensive training in traditional Okinawan Kobudo weapons Bo, Kama and Tekko.



Other instructors in attendance were Sensei Frank Stüwe and Sensei Sven Mischkewitz from Joshinkan Germany and Sensei Bodo Hass from Hamburg. All are certified by both Tokumura Sensei in Okinawa and Tokushinryu Kobudo Europe.




Participants came from different styles like Karate, Wing Chun, Judo, Ju Jutsu  etc. Big thanks to the team Seibukan Berlin for support and to Joshinkan Germany for being such a great host.

